宝贝,你那么为别人着想,连天都爱你 - 意外又并不意外的康奈尔本科录取

签约评估:2022 U.S News Top 30


初识学生:最一开始接触到这位学生Eric是由于在申请季的前一年,将Eric的姐姐以低GPA通道申请的方式送入UCI,所以家长没有过多的犹豫就给孩子签了黑钻申请服务以U.S News Top 30为申请范围,冲刺申请院校排名更高的录取。

初步评估:在初步的评估中,申请人给到我们的信息比较显然是一个不爱说话的高GPA学霸。但与此同时也是存在非常大的申请弊端。首先,在聊天当中我们评估到申请人是一个比较不喜欢讲话,更通俗一些得说法就是申请人在和我们的聊天中,经常会把天聊死了。通过这一点我们需要评估到:如果申请人和我们之间的聊天是这样,那么申请人和其他老师的关系会好吗?我们应该如何引导申请人和部分有可能会写推荐信的老师套磁,套关系,因为对于申请更Top的学校,我们不希望高中老师在online写的推荐信当中会出现类似于“申请人不善于交流”“申请人活跃度普通”等等类似的评价。其次,申请人可以说之后一个高GPA,活动在参考的有很多计划要做,但是经过我们的评估大部分都是市场中的骗钱项目,那么我们给到申请人的建议是不要做一堆的“垃圾项目”,还是应该做1-2个精品项目,用精品项目与申请人的背景拧成一股绳,来发挥最大的申请作用。再次,申请人AP开始较少,但在接触我们之后明显没有过的的时间加AP,所以我们采用了另外一种比AP更好的方式来协助申请人:College courses,也就是从名校直接拿大学课程,来使申请人的学习能力可以在众多申请人当中比较突出。并且与此同时,由于学生非常想读UCLA(因为这个时候学生还不知道自己会被康奈尔大学录取),所以我们联系了UCLA的招生官,对于学生整体规划进行一个塑性,以UC总Department当年的对于“当年准备录取学生的画像”,进行更多细节性的塑造,总塑造点打20项。

考试安排: 巧妇难为无米之炊,一份好的录取一定是来自3方面的塑形成功:1. 1个有着良好的申请认知的申请人,为什么说需要有着良好的申请认知。我们假设一个申请人的能力天花板是UCLA(这个天花板来自于诸多因素,学生高中是什么,是什么类型课程,学生是从几年级开始接触到我们,学生自身成绩是什么,距离申请还有多久等等),那我们假设一个学生的能力天花板是UCLA,如果他说他的dream school是UCLA或者再高一些的院校例如约翰霍普金斯,我们认为这就是有着良好认知的申请人。同样是这个申请人,如果说不申请到哈佛普林斯顿不满意,那么这就是一位“暂时不具备良好院校认知”的申请人,需要进行引导。2. 一个好的规划,通常来讲,一个好的规划以及一个好的顾问老师,首先一定要有名校学历,其次一定要在美国本土做过多年申请以及真正的渗入到了美国文化中,多年和美高以及大学的招生官打交道,才可以以“美式角度”来为申请人做好的规划。学生在整体的学习以及规划过程中,需要的是一个driver,如果driver不够强,不够专业,那么通常只会造成一种结果,那就是:由于自己信心不足而为申请人加了一堆保底院校,最终申请到保底院校,服务结束。3. 也是这一方面需要着重突出的,一个好的托福成绩以及一个好的SAT/ACT成绩。在我们的引导下,Eric同学也是顺利拿到了托福113分以及ACT 34分的好成绩,这也真正奠定了申请基础。

进入申请:在申请季的4月份,我们完成了所有的周边规划,也就正式的进入了申请服务。Eric是一个非常雄心满满的申请人,在早申当中,非常想冲刺一下斯坦福大学,当时我们给出了一些申请建议,我们不建议早申斯坦福大学,因为对于斯坦福大学来讲,申请人有着一个非常致命的弱点,那就是:高中非常普通,申请人的高中校史从来没有人被斯坦福大学本科录取过,过去10年录取结果最好的学生就是康奈尔大学,而且是每四五年才会有一个。于是我们和Eric进行了为期一周的“定早申”,与此同时,文书顾问已经开始在同步撰写以及优化Common大essay。但最终早申我们最终决定选择斯坦福,为什么呢? 因为Eric说了一句话,他说:我知道我被斯坦福早申录取的概率只有1%,我也认为老师们给出的“田忌赛马”理论确实是非常适合于我这种比较普通的高中,但是如果我不尝试斯坦福,我可能会后悔终身,哪怕我现在就知道我会被斯坦福拒绝,我依然选择尝试。在申请人说过这句话之后,做为主申请顾问,我并没有很佩服他的勇气,这里是实话:我并没有很佩服他的勇气。因为想“高申”的申请人,每年都会有很多,但最终决定了斯坦福是因为:我不能让一个孩子后悔终身。在孩子的角度可以尝试,可以追求所有事物哪怕是孩子很小很小的时候说:我要天上的星星,家长会怎么说?那你应该努力做一名宇航员! 没有家长会说:你要什么星星啊! 这就是孩子的期许,做为老师,我不能磨灭。于是在申请阶段,我们早申了斯坦福,RD了哈佛大学,哥伦比亚,康奈尔,芝加哥,纽约大学等等common院校,以及UC Application。


UC今年先放榜的是UCSD和UCI,当Eric拿到这两个录取的时候,他以及家长已经对服务满意了。为什么满意? 因为他的同学朋友都被拒了。这是一种相比较之下的满意。我非常相信每一家机构有有着很好的案例,我也相信很好的机构的部分,也和我们一样有着哈佛大学本科,普林斯顿大学本科,加州理工学院等等很好的案例,甚至和我们一样,在同一年同时录取哈佛,普林斯顿以及加州理工学院。但在看经典案例的时候,我们需要注重一个更重要的因素,就是失败率有多低。一家机构如果申100个学生,出1个经典案例,而其他99个申请人全部是失败案例,那么这是不可以的。所以在降低录取率的时候,依然可以被录取,才是我们这个服务最重要的部分,因为我们需要对得起大多数申请人,甚至全部的申请人。

UCSB也是非常没有悬念的,在这里就不多做介绍了。需要提及到的一点是,USC(南加州大学)如果Eric申请也是大概率会被录取的,虽然今年南加大的录取率只有4%,相当于往年藤校的录取率。但是Eric以及家长没有申请南加大,主要原因是南加大在Downtown LA的Hoover街,家长不希望孩子到市中心去学习。所以没有申请。




不过还是有个下面的纽约大学,学生说,老师,提前拒绝NYU吧,给更多进waitlist的学生早一些转正的机会。(讲真,这是我第一次如此佩服一个申请人,我认为他的素养,就是配得上他的dream school的,因为他不仅考虑了自己,甚至考虑到了别人,这一件小事,不是所有人都能做到的,因为会有很多被录取的申请人,不拒绝offer而是置之不理,那么就会造成在等候名单里面的申请人一直等下去)。


RD录取常春藤,是什么概念?当申请人最初选择专业的时候,我们非常建议申请人选择Human Ecology,原因在这里不多说了,但录取专业是什么并不是很重要,因为美国大学换专业是非常简单的。当申请人打开Application Portal的那一刻,他没有微信回复我们,几分钟没有消息,但是家长的一个微信电话直接拨打过来了,说孩子录取了康奈尔大学,孩子现在到院子里面一遍跑一边“啊啊啊”的大喊大叫。也是,谁能面对一所美国常春藤本科的录取通知书不激动呢? 常春藤的本科录取难度,是常春藤研究生录取难度的100倍不止。这是他多年努力的结果,多年按照规划一步一步走出的结果,也许这是他从没想过的结果,宝贝,我说过,你这么善良,天都会爱你。

顾问寄语:Eric在未来的学习中,一定可以以康奈尔大学为承接,最终走向“大藤”,Eric最大的闪光点是他的执行力。无论你布置任何东西,任何课程,Eric总是可以很好的上完,他在12年级的时候可以把UCLA Extension的college level的CS课程上到A,这是我非常惊讶的,因为我的预期其实是B。他并不是申请当中最厉害的,但绝对是众多申请案例里最经典的案例之一。他的例子告诉了所有人,其实对于“藤校”本科,普通一些的高中申请人,也并不是遥不可及,只要申请人够努力,以及规划的够早,为什么不呢? 没有什么是比“没尝试”更令人惋惜的了。


What would you say is your greatest talent or skill? How have you developed and demonstrated that talent over time?

My greatest skill is to inspire people around me. The ability to inspire are usually associated with one's leadership skill but for me, I developed this skill to show my care, and build trust with people. When I was a child, my parents always told me to focus on the bigger picture instead of short-term gains. For instance, I was encouraged to share my personal belongings with my friends. Later on, I received a lot of gifts from my friends, and I started to realize what my parents mean by looking at the bigger picture. I knew that I not just earn others' trust but also inspire them to be a generous, open-minded person.

During my high school, I along with 3 other students in our high school's business cohort, participated in a business project competition that was held annually. The project was to collect real-time gasoline consumption and geographical data to guide the distribution of fuel resources that improve logistic efficiency. We also applied dynamic pricing methods based on the sales volumes to create the most economic impact. The biggest challenge that we faced was a strong competitor led by a very talented student. However, an unexpected technical issue happened to his team during the project review process and made them unable to show their deliverables. With my experience with web server, I quickly identified the offline status for me, so I let them use our datasets to complete the demonstration. Results came out and our opponent won the first place. A teammate complained that I should have let our opponent run out of time and we could have won. I immediately responded that if you wanted the first place so much, why don't just join his team? After our discussion, he apologized to me and later one day, he told me that I inspired him. He learned to improve himself academically and pursue fair, healthy competition environment. I was so glad that my value, vision, and ethics could positively influence, inspire, and educate others, and I will make my future community a more united and stronger one.

Describe how you have taken advantage of a significant educational opportunity or worked to overcome an educational barrier you have faced.

Because of my strong interest in mathematics and academic performance, I was selected and provided the opportunity to join a research project led by a PhD student. In this project, we examine the role of sharing economy such as Airbnb in shaping people's choices in travel accommodation in the U.S. We randomly selected two popular places in New York State, Manhattan and Long Island and started to collect Airbnb price data from Kaggle.com. At first, other than calculating the mean and standard deviation, I had no clue about how to handle 80 data samples, select variables, and extract insights from these numbers. As we were trying hard to figure out the correlation by manually plotting on a paper, the PhD student laughed and told us that we were heading in the right direction, but we just needed more theoretical foundation. Then he started teaching us more advanced concepts in statistics such as T-test, confidence interval, P-value to determine the probabilistic significance between two sets of data. We also tried to fit the data with a regression line and calculate the slope, which was used to calculate the coefficient of determination and the correlation coefficient. As expected, both values were high and indicate a strong, positive relationship in prices between these two cities. From the box-plot diagram, we were able to make conclusion that the hotel price in Manhattan was largely in line with normal distribution, which means the prices in Manhattan is stable and has less fluctuation. We could further interpret this result as an indication of extremely competitive, fair market, where the actual prices won't usually exceed people's expectation. However in long island, the situation became more unpredictable as a few outliners were observed and we should expect to see more variations in prices. This research experience helped me become familiar with the steps and processes it take to research the correlation between explanatory variables and interpret our results to gain extra insights that can be used by travelers. I will find more educational opportunities like this during my undergraduate period.

Think about an academic subject that inspires you. Describe how you have furthered this interest inside and/or outside of the classroom.

An academic subject that inspires me most is Economics. Besides studying Economics at schools, I furthered my interest in Economics by doing research projects, writing academic papers, and completing an internship during the summer. I first became interested in Economics because I was attracted by my teacher's teaching style. Unlike other classes, her class focused more on the explanation of interesting Economics phenomena instead of pure Economic theories. For example, on the first day of class, she gave us a list of historical events and asked us to circle the topics that we were most interested in.Then she told us that our final project would be chosen from one of these topics and we should expect to learn the tools, theories to research these topics. Learning Economics with my teacher equipped me with not only the knowledge in the subject itself but also the tools to conduct academic research independently.

A project that I worked on was about the role of spatial big data in urban economics development. I learned about geographics concepts and understood the use of Geographic Information System (GIS) in the visualization and interpretation of spatial data, which offers us insights and solutions in addressing urban development problems. By researching challenges that face our cities such as urbanization, environmental hazard, and land use, I found my research interests and wish to continue my academic research at University of California. Specifically, one of my interests is to understand how housing price is affected by factor such as urbanization rate, population density, income level and property tax. My next step is to apply spatial regression analysis to identify the factor that contributes most to housing price. Another area that I am interested in is how transportation and mobility within urban areas affects the efficiency of supply chain, which directly impacted on the living standard of local people. Since my current study primarily focused on development economics, I wish to have access to census data, federal statistics, environmental metrics, and public transit database to support my research, all of which are only available at the research facilities of UC campuses.

What have you done to make your school or your community a better place?

I formed a student group in my high school, where we aimed to learn about stock trading techniques, blockchain technologies, and other technological innovations in financial industry. We started by using a stock market simulator so that I can gain the real-life trading experience without committing financially. After introducing my group members with the market simulators, they got so excited and couldn't wait to start trading. However, most of them had no experience with stock trading before, so I convinced them that, though we are not taking any risk financially, we still had to spend time learning how to trade with the right strategy. If our success is purely based no luck, it would be meaningless to form our interest group. After they realized the importance to gain theoretical foundation, I suggested that all of us need to do their own research and take turns hosting a lecture session each week. As a leader of the interest group, I encourage them to think independently and focus on the implementation and development of new strategies.

In a session hosted by me, I introduced them with an advanced indicator that were commonly used by professional traders called volume profile. The indicator provides a lot of insightful information by reflecting the volume being traded at a certain price level instead of at a certain timeframe, which would easily help us identify support and resistance levels. After becoming familiar with terms such as point of control, pivot point, and volume nodes, I asked them to enter a position after breaking support and exiting a position right before the next resistance level was reached, which results in a 30% increase in net profit within the trading session.
After a few sessions, everybody learned to develop their own strategies, and write into coding scripts to execute basic functions using API, which made us skillful in automated trading, programming, and instant decision-making. Most importantly, I learned to use my knowledge to educate, to inspire, and to contribute to the success and wellbeing of a community rather than just myself.

Common Application大Essay(文书已使用过,ERIC授权参考。请勿再次使用或模仿,再次使用或类似模仿会为未来的申请产生不可估量的伤害。)

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

An accomplishment that has sparked a period of personal growth was the academic research opportunity during the summer of 2021. Led by a university professor and his Ph.D. student, I joined their research lab and examined the impact that climate change has on global issues such as economic development, public health, and agricultural yields. We randomly selected two countries, India, and Afghanistan, both of which were most vulnerable to climate change due to poverty, political instability, and the weak healthcare system. Our research team first adopted a quantitative method that involves variable selection, data processing, and statistical analysis methods. From my study, I quickly identified several explanatory factors such as precipitation, temperature, international trade, crime rate and hospitalization, crop yields that were most likely to be affected by climate change. After selecting 17 variables and setting up the project goal of understanding the relationships between them, we were introduced with advanced concepts in statistics such as T-test, confidence interval, P-value to determine the probabilistic significance between multiple sets of data. We also tried to fit the data with a regression line and calculate the slope, which was used to calculate the coefficient of determination and the correlation coefficient. As expected, 15 of the 17 variables were largely in line with normal distribution, which indicates a strong, and positive relationship. This research experience helped me become familiar with the process it takes to research complex data sets and interpret them to gain extra insights that could guide policymaking.

My research experience has allowed me to further my interest in international Economics and sustainability development, where I used statistical methods to quantify the uncertainty and how to explain economics development issues. A project that I am currently working on is about the role of spatial big data in urban economic development. For example, from spatial regression analysis, I was able to explain why housing prices varied by their geographical characteristics and how transportation systems should be designed to improve logistics efficiencies. Specifically, one of my academic interests lies in how housing price is affected by factors such as urbanization rate, population density, income level, and property taxes. Another area that I am interested in is how transportation and mobility within urban areas affect the efficiency of the supply chain, which directly impacted the living standard of local people. Since my current study primarily focused on development economics, I wish to have access to census data, federal statistics, environmental metrics, and public transit databases to support my research in the future.

Having participated in our school’s business cohort for 4 years, I have completed many business plans that addressed the air pollution problem. A meaningful project was an external air filtration system that was designed for environmentally-conscious individual car owners as well as large fleet management companies and car manufacturers. With more companies adopting Environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practice and its long-term value, we quickly identified a few rental car managers who were interested in our project and meanwhile, build their brand image. While larger companies such as car manufactures were more conservative and they are willing to try our products only with incentives such as government-subsidized programs. From hundreds of interviews, weeks of fieldwork, and data analysis, we were able to finalize our lists of key partners, value propositions, customer segments, revenue streams, and delivered a successful project that was awarded the first prize among 60 students. From this project, I learned to identify customer needs, research social issues, and put entrepreneurial ideas into a real-life setting. From my study on equity financing and capital structure, I completed a research paper titled “Corporate capital structure and financing methods analysis", and it was selected for publication by the 2021 2nd International Conference on Economics and Social Research. In the future, I will use my research to tackle global challenges and to improve living conditions for people in underserved regions.
